This is my little practice page for fooling around with the new HTML I've learned. I'm not sure how you found your way here, but there's no content (just like the rest of the site, but even less so). I'll worry about all the colors later, just let your default WWW colors run wild :)

Today's practice topic: marquees

This thing only works in Internet Explorer

Star Trek Links

Alex Mack Links The Alex Mack Logo

Reasons to like "Power Rangers"

The Mater Dei Homepage

Star Trek Links

  1. Sites with graphics and sound
  2. Games and trivia
  3. Sites that have it all (the only one that works right now)

Alex Mack Links

Star Trek sites with graphics and sound

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Star Trek sites that have it all

Holodeck Three
A site with downloads and games and trivia of every kind.
This is the official site. Better or worse than fan sites? You decide.

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Reasons to like "Power Rangers"

  1. Requires no thought
  2. Doesn't try to teach you anything
  3. Exploding, yet indestructible, spandex suits.
  4. Special effects you could do on your home computer.

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